Bram Steenwincke

Bram Steenwinckel

PhD researcher in Root Cause Analysis and Anomaly Detection
by Fusing Samantics and Machine Learning

Contact Me

About Me

Hi, I'm Bram, PhD Student at the Internet and Data Science Lab (IDLab) research group in the Department of Information Technology (INTEC) of the University of Ghent, which cooperates with the imec research insitute.

My research tries to improve anomaly detection, and root cause analysis for the eHealth and predictive maintenance domain, using (semantic) knowledge models in combination with both black and white-box machine learning techniques.

Besides my research, I like to talk about sports as well. More specific my hobby: Volleyball and oh, I'm a Coldplay Fan ;)


project name

ESWC 2018 - Conference

Doctoral Consortium: PhD Symposium

In June 2018, I've submitted my PhD proposal to the ESWC doctoral consortium in Crete.

The paper can be reviewed here, the accompanying slides here and the poster describing this research in high level can be found here

project name

AAAI 2018 - Conference

Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Applied to Assistive Technologies and Smart Environments

In February 2018, a Workshop paper was submitted for AAAI in New Orleans. The workshop for Artificial Intelligence Applied to Assistive Technologies and Smart Environments was hosted by Bruno Bouchard of Liara Labs (the University of Québec in Chicoutimi)

The paper can be reviewed here, the accompanying slides here



My Master dissertation and the resulting papers were part of the imec icon project Wonder. The goal was to use Zora, — a humanoid robot, successfully used for entertainment and therapy in about 130 Belgian nursing homes, to trigger positively charged personal memories in persons with dementia, and thus reassure and calm them.

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New Horizon

Sound manager and team member of the New Horizon development team, which makes games for children with autism and other spectrum disorders